Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Re my last question,do you think this would be a good Idea to teach him a lesson?

A US man is suing a former girlfriend for damages after having his genitals stuck to his stomach in a superglue and nail varnish attack more than five years ago.

Kenneth Slaby of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, was at the home of Gail O'Toole on the evening of May 7 2000 when the incident, which he said left him "scared and puzzled", occurred.

The two had dated during the previous year but only started seeing each other again at the start of that May. Mr Slaby says Ms O'Toole invited him to take a nap.

According to the lawsuit, he woke "to a strong burning sensation" in his genital area and found red and blue nail polish in his hair. Mr Slaby is seeking $30,000 (鎷?7,000) damages.

Superglue had been used to fix his penis to his abdomen and to stick his buttocks together. An obscene comment had been painted in nail polish on his back.

Ms O'Toole, the suit claims, told Mr Slaby her actions were in return for the break up of their 10-month relationship shortly before Christmas. Mr Slaby had to walk one mile for help, where he met a police officer who took him to hospital. His lawyer, Grey Pratt, told Westmoreland county court it "was not some petty domestic squabble."

In June 2000, Ms O'Toole pleaded guilty to assault and served six months' probation.

Mr Slaby filed a civil suit for damages in September 2001, alleging battery, assault, and intentional infliction of emotional distress.

"I woke up in severe pain," Mr Slaby told the court, according to local press reports.

"I felt like my groin was on fire and I had a severe headache. I looked at my head and it was blue, purple, and red. I was more worried about my groin because I was all stuck together."

Ms O'Toole's attorney, Chuck Evans, said it was a consensual act and said Mr Slaby had suffered no permanent damage. "This is a case that should have been left in the bedroom," he told the court.

He said Mr Slaby "just laughed quite a bit", but then the couple argued and Ms O'Toole told him to find his own way back to Pittsburgh.

Re my last question,do you think this would be a good Idea to teach him a lesson?

does anyone remember john wayne bobbitt and lorena bobbitt she cut his private off and tossed it into a bush. it was later recovered, reattached and he became a porn star. so this fella shouldn't worry he may have a whole new career waiting for him!!

Re my last question,do you think this would be a good Idea to teach him a lesson?

Its a wonder he didn't implode

You humans have the strangest hobbies

Re my last question,do you think this would be a good Idea to teach him a lesson?

Two wrongs never make a right but I do have a funny story about my Dads great grandmother. Her husband used to come home drunk and beat her. One night he passed out and she tied him up in the sheet and beat him with bars of soap in a pillowcase. The next day he wondered why he was all bruised and she told him that he came home that way so must have been in a bar fight. She got even and never got caught but things were different way back then.

Re my last question,do you think this would be a good Idea to teach him a lesson?

like i keep saying -- "you will not be shocked what happes behind close door" we are a different breed on this side of the pond -- but most of men -- i said most do not wear ladies clothes!!! plaid just not look good on us!!! (lol)

Re my last question,do you think this would be a good Idea to teach him a lesson?

It sounds fake to me. I find it hard to believe that anybody could sleep through all that. I mean, she managed to glue his penis to his stomach AND glue his buns together? Plus paint him all over with nail polish? Unless he was passed out in a drunken stupor, this is highly unlikely. Do you have a link so we can look at the story?

All that aside, it's a bad idea. What if your friend's husband charged her daughter with assault? She'd have a criminal record while he goes unscathed. The best revenge is for her to file a police report and stay away from him.

Re my last question,do you think this would be a good Idea to teach him a lesson?

Hey, just as long as he stays away for good! A girls gotta do what a girls gotta do. I sure hope she took some photos. It sounds like she forgot the multi-colored clown wig %26amp; red nose.....or they left it out of the story because they were too embarrassed! I doubt he'll mess with another woman again. Was his name Dave? BRAVO.

Re my last question,do you think this would be a good Idea to teach him a lesson?

I hate it when that happens....lol...ouch

Re my last question,do you think this would be a good Idea to teach him a lesson?

No, I think she went way too far in her revenge.

Re my last question,do you think this would be a good Idea to teach him a lesson?

Gal, there are laws against my suggestion.

Re my last question,do you think this would be a good Idea to teach him a lesson?

If the man had done that to the woman...all the feminists would be baying for his blood.

Re my last question,do you think this would be a good Idea to teach him a lesson?

Men are not the only ones capable of abuse. My advice to anyone who is a victim (male or female) whether it's emotional or physical abuse: GET OUT, MOVE AWAY, and MOVE ON!!!

Re my last question,do you think this would be a good Idea to teach him a lesson?

i Think she went a way too far, so he broke up with her, what the big deal people break up with people all the time, She just got to suck it up and try to look for some one else, but if this gets out I imagine a lot of guys would be a little hesitant about dating her

Re my last question,do you think this would be a good Idea to teach him a lesson?

he deserves worse than that...but your friend's daughter shouldn't do it coz she'd be in trouble when its him who should be in trouble.

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