Ok so my Chocolate Lab is a two and will turn three in June.But the last few months he has been scratching his Belly like crazy! so I had him roll over so I cold see what the problem was When I looked he was loosing hair on his belly and it was red with blister like things on him. I took him to the vet the next day and she gave him a medicine called predizone. Later on since this wasn't working she gave him some kind of antibiotic for the infection and Cephalemin. This is still not working and I have spent alot of money on medicine that is taking no effect. They have also thought it was thiroid but it was grey? I have asked one of my friends what she thought and she said maybe autoamun disese but she has not seen it for herself. Can you please help?
( sorry if I have Mispelled things)
Help With Trouble Lab!?
Could be several things. Poison ivy can cause blisters but prednisone should have kicked that down some. Could be Acanthosis Nigricans with a secondary fungal infection. Try an allergen food such as Prescription Diet z/d in case it is related to a food allergy. My doxie has this and he has to be bathed in a special soap(ChlorhexiDerm) and when I put him on allergy food it mostly cleared up. It could be a type of topical dermatitis from something he is coming in contact with on his skin, inside or outdoors. Have you recently changed your laundry soap or softener? If he is being used for hunting, make sure he is towel dried when finished, especially in the nooks of the armpits and groin areas. I would also ask your vet to set up a fungal culture-they take awhile to grow.
Help With Trouble Lab!?
Food alergy
Help With Trouble Lab!?
its serious of course its probably a diese or infection
sorry if i spelled something wrong...
Help With Trouble Lab!?
Sounds fungal, maybe Black spot disease? Go ahead and look it up, I don't know much about it. But looked it up real quick
Help With Trouble Lab!?
it could be a food allergy. try a food with out wheat these are bit more expensive but work well. pro plan has a wheat free food and solid gold, merrick, canidea. all but pro plan are usually sold at pet stores. my golden has a wheat allergy and had the same problem. I also found he was allergic to yogurt.
Help With Trouble Lab!?
I would recommend that your pets skin be examined and diagnosed by his regular vet.
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