Tuesday, November 24, 2009

My eye color?

I used to have thee bluest eyes ever, but now they're really grey. A lot of people say they are really "interesting" and i wanted to know if they look cold and, well, weird?

Opinions please?


My eye color?

I know what you mean! My eyes are green/grey and it depends on the shirt I'm wearing which color is brought out more. But really I think that your eyes are very pretty and they don't look cold at all.

My eye color?

That's like Gray-blue-ish! you should be happy that soo rare to find. THERE BEAUTIFUL trust me :)

My eye color?

i love the eye color dude its hot!!!

My eye color?

WHOA! ur eyes are an amazing color...i luv them! i wish my eyes look eyes like that..theyre so rare and unique

My eye color?

They're beautiful!!

My eye color?

its really intense but i love it cause my friend has the same colour

My eye color?

Your eyes are beautiful. You look like fun too! Can we be friends? lol

My eye color?

They are really cool. I think they look a little green too. I like them.

My eye color?

Stone blue to me. They look bright and interesting, like shattered sea. (if sea was solid). They're lovely.

My eye color?

Your eyes look so pretty and very unique

My eye color?

you have gorgeous eyes.

My eye color?

they don't look blue but who cares they Rock i haven't seen anybody with eyes like that.

My eye color?

it actually looks pretty cool. And it's not solid grey. It actually looks sorta bluish!

i wonder how all of a sudden your blue eyes turned into that color...

My eye color?

I think they look amazing and don't listen to that Shannon girl, she is being incredibly rude

My eye color?

Very Nice...

My eye color?

blue gray. I love your eye color

My eye color?

there gorgeoussssss

My eye color?

They look like mine...mine change color with my mood and what I'm wearing..My mom has green eyes and my dad has bright blue..my brothers eyes are grey too. I turn green when I'm upset or crying..and bright blue when I wear blue.


My eye color?

very pretty, they seem to be more of a gray blue though. still gorgeous.

My eye color?

your eyes are relly pretty. i would say like a light gray kinda.

My eye color?

you have a gorgeous pair of eyes =]

i know you didnt ask, but i find you beautiful, very beautiful =]

My eye color?

I love your eyes, their very pretty... but u... YUCK! butt ugly!!! lose some weight!

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