Friday, November 27, 2009

What do you think of this hero?

(What do you think of this hero for a fantasy story?)

Sai Arwind, seventeen years of age, sat in front of his mother's grave, mourning for his fallen mother. 'Here lies Anna Arwind.' Sai whispered. Sai has short messy dirty blonde hair and snow white pale skin. His emerald green eyes were holding back tears, but they would soon break free. Sai is dressed in a old slik grey robe with a few patches in it. His baggy black pants were the same as his shirt. A long hunting knife was hanging on Sai's belt. The knife rested in its sheath.

What do you think of this hero?

Sai is dressed in a old slik grey robe with a few patches in it. His baggy black pants were the same as his shirt. A long hunting knife was hanging on Sai's belt. The knife rested in its sheath.

The Tears fell down his face and soon reached his worn out grey robe, which is the last this his mother made for him. His hand began to slowly move tword his Knife. In an instant he clutched his Knife with malice in his eyes. Hoping.

or something like that, you did good with describing "Sai" untill you reached what he was wearing. I gave you something to work with, or not thats just my opinion...

What do you think of this hero?

What's so special about him? You need to give us a reason why he is considered a hero. You have only described him physically with a reference to him being emotional. Still one-dimensional at this stage.

What do you think of this hero?

he sounds hot

What do you think of this hero?

darken his skin a bit; he should be tan from working outside because he is probably working class (old silk grey robe with a few patches in it). he probably got it secondhand. Or get rid of the roba altogether.

" Were the same as his shirt"? Baggy black pants and shirt? but i guess he is mourning.

You might want to say "knelt" not sat. You should also say the bit about the eyes with tears after "sat in front of his mother's grave" because they express that he is mourning, and you don't need to say "for his fallen mother" because if he is front of her grave, she is obviously dead.

For his hair, you might say dark blonde, because we don't know if dirty is to describe color or cleanliness.

This is a very good character overall. Good luck with your story!

What do you think of this hero?

Little characterization here, but you may say "What do you expect on first meeting him?". I would suggest something a little different (depending on what effect you want) by commenting on his mode of dress -- Why does he dress in this way at his mother's grave? WHy not have him to one side, privately mourning while others more conventionally dressed mourn nearer to the grave? -- or maybe at the grave in the next clearing? Comment that he loooks much older (? or younger) than his 17 years. More action, even here, must be at the very least, suggested. He seems perfectly acceptable as a hero in a fantasy tale.

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