Hi. I live in Australia, on the coast in NSW, and am looking for a suitable cat. We have a dog (female, German Shepherd) who is 8 years old, and she stays outside 100% of the time. We really want a cat, but it needs to have short-medium hair (mum might be allergic) and we would prefer if it doesnt grow very much (stays kitten-size or close to). Also, would the cat (if it goes outside) be okay with the dog? The dog is extremely active and i am unsure if it will scare the cat. We would love the cat to look something like a grey tabby cat. We would also like the cat to be very friendly and easy to get along with, possibly who is easy to train and will not be likely to rip apart our house. I dont have any experience so please give all the advice you can!
Thank you in advance !!!
Looking for a cat. Need advice!!!!!!!!?
Well, that's a lot of expectations. You know, the Devon Rex doesn't shed very much and they are not affective to allergies. They can look like gray tabby cats as well. Also, my aunt is allergic to cats and she comes over to our house all the time. We have three shorthair gray tabby cats. Her allergies aren't affected at all. Our cats get along with our dogs well.. Also as long as you train them, they won't destroy your house. Also there is a cat that stays kitten size but its kitten size is much smaller.. It is a rare cat though so you might not find it. It is called a Singapura. Also Egyptian Mau`s are found mostly often and they are lovable, calm and get along with most animals. They are shorthair and don't shed much. But the other cat that is small is perfect too. My gray tabbies are about average in size. The Egyptian Mau is in the middle. And the Singapura is the smallest out of the three. Also, the shorthair tabby is most common, Egyptian Mau is middlish common, and the Singapura is least common. Also here are some pictures of the three breeds. Choose which one you like best. 1) Singapura 2) Grey Tabby 3) Egyptian Mau
I wish you luck in finding your perfect cat! Hope you're happy with your decision!
Looking for a cat. Need advice!!!!!!!!?
get a cat from a pound
or else they might have to put it down
Looking for a cat. Need advice!!!!!!!!?
go to petfineder.com
Looking for a cat. Need advice!!!!!!!!?
you keep your dog outside 100% of the time... if thats the case why do you have her?
Looking for a cat. Need advice!!!!!!!!?
Looking for a cat. Need advice!!!!!!!!?
so you want a hypo-allergenic grey tabby permanent kitten who tolerates unruly dogs and is perfectly trainable. i wouldn't bother looking...
Looking for a cat. Need advice!!!!!!!!?
I don't think there are cats that don't grow very much. I think they are all about the same but no doubt there will be some back yard breeder out there that will produce a 'teacup'!!! one. As far as allergies goes I think the Devon Rex or Cornish Rex might be your best bet or even the Sphinx although they are soooo ugly.
Is your GSD outside being used to guard the property? If he has guarding tendencies then you will need to introduce them very carefully. An adult cat might be better than a kitten. When we had our GSD we introduced him to 3 adult cats over the space of a few years and had no problems - they were able to stick up for themselves.
Good luck
Looking for a cat. Need advice!!!!!!!!?
You shouldn't really get a cat. cats are not really trained and are so unique in their personalities that you just cannot predict what tgheire personality will be. If you are not willing to take a chance that your cat might scratch up your house or be very independent and you cannot be sure how the dog will react to a cat and a cat to the dog, then I wouldn't advise that you get one Very sorry
Looking for a cat. Need advice!!!!!!!!?
Get one from a pound or go to petfinder.com.The best cat i would think though,would be a tabby cat,black cat(cause i have one),and a pound cat.
Looking for a cat. Need advice!!!!!!!!?
Don't get a cat at this time. I would not trust a German Shepherd with a cat. I've heard too many stories of cats being killed by German Shepherds. No matter what the length of the cat's fur, your mum could still be allergic. All cats groom themselves, and it is an enzyme in the cat's saliva that causes allergies.
If in the future (after the dog passes) if you get a cat, visit shelters and ask staff and volunteers to guide you to a cat with the personality that you are seeking. Most kittens will be "destructive" until they outgrow it. If you adopt an adult cat, you will have a good idea of the cat's personality. A calm adult cat with a sturdy scratching post will not rip apart your house.
Looking for a cat. Need advice!!!!!!!!?
i think a manx would be the best breed for you. not to many people are allergic to them but make sure its a purebred manx or else it'll make people allergic.
but its best to get one from the spca or any other animal shelter =]
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