Sunday, June 20, 2010

Why does hair go grey when we get older?

Previous answer was close. The hair follicle does not die, just the pigment cells that produce melanin, the chemical that gives hair it's color. As the hair has fewer cells producing melanin, the color becomes less pronounced, until it turns gray.

Why does hair go grey when we get older?

Because the follicle dies. It does not necessarily have to do with age, but it grows more common as we grow older.

Why does hair go grey when we get older?

Yes, the follicle dies, and I started to turn Grey at 23. The old wives tale is that it has to do with stress, and I believe it, because my life was total stress from that age.

Why does hair go grey when we get older?

The hair is not actually turning gray, it is simply the hair follicle that is not producing the color anymore. Gray hair is actually colorless hair and like everything else that slows down as we age, the pigment in hair follicles does as well.

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