Sunday, June 20, 2010

Dramatic make-up for hazel eyes?

Hi everyone!

I'm so bored of wearing heavy grey eyeshadow on nights out - but it's the only colour that seems to suit me! I have hazel eyes and am very pale with dark brown hair. I've tried a deep blue, which looks awesome, but am stuck on other colours. Nothing else seems to suit me! I have quite large, almond eyes but they are quite deep set. Help!

Dramatic make-up for hazel eyes?

I have hazel eyes, pale (not translucent!) skin as well. This may sound tacky but the right shades of purple look awesome on hazel really pulls out the green...also green eyeshadow as well. maybe try some thick mascara for drama at nighttime. If you try such bold colors for eyeshadow just keep everything else kinda neutral....try a nude lipstick with the for me!

Dramatic make-up for hazel eyes?

Have you tried Mauves and purples? I was very surprised!

Dramatic make-up for hazel eyes?

Use purple or my fav. is auqa geen eyeliner and it's very 60's and diff. from everyone else.

cheers darlin

Dramatic make-up for hazel eyes?

purple... but be careful.... don't use that cheap ugly stuff... have it be dark plum colors,,,

Dramatic make-up for hazel eyes?

try a deep purple blue or a golden one

Dramatic make-up for hazel eyes?

i have hazel eyes. this is how i wear my eye make-up:

i put on champaigne eyeshadow first all over my eyes to my eyebrows. and then i line the crease of my eye with dark brown and a lighter brown shade to fill in the rest..but i leave champagne on the lower part of my lid and also the top where my eyebrow is.

for my eyeliner, i dont use eyeliner.. i use black eyeshadow. lick the tip of the eyeshadow sponge and dip it in the black eyeshadow and line it on your lid. then with a thin eyeshadow BRUSH i lick it and do the same only i make a slight crease on the outside corner of my eyes (i have almond shaped eyes too) sometimes i dont even put it on the bottom lid but when i do, its not as dramatic just a really thin line.

i usually use 2 different kinds of mascara to thicken them and make them longer

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